The biggest party of Sitges

The inhabitants of Sitges have an enormous love for this event, and visitors come every year to admire and experience it again. The Sitges’ “Festa Major” is an historical event in which tradition is maintained, being transmitted from generation to generation until today.

This special festival is celebrated from the August 19th to the 25th this year, and in addition to the typical popular dances and proclamations, the agenda is filled with concerts, events and music that accompany these days of enjoyment.

In contrast to last year, there are several events to be held, but only in a different way and adapted to current measures – for example, we can enjoy the mythical “entrada de grallers”. The classic was held in Cap de la Vila and always brought crowds of people, this year groups of grallers will be distributed through different squares in Sitges and a prior reservation will be needed to attend the event.

There are also concerts and events scheduled for these days, but always with reservation and entry to ensure that there is no crowding or problem. So if you haven’t decided yet what to do this Festa Major, hurry up!

You can consult the complete program with all the schedules and detailed information at We will help you with your accommodation and whatever you need 🙂 Bona Festa Major to everyone!

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